Oil Gas Ratio for Chainsaw

A chainsaw is a great tool for cutting through brush and branches. However, the chainsaw can quickly consume gas when it’s running. Cutting up to one hour of work per gallon of gasoline has been reported.

Gasoline also has a tendency to evaporate which means that as you’re using your saw, there will be less and less gas in the tank until it runs out completely.

How to Mix Fuel for a Chainsaw

The fuel mixture in the gas tank has a direct relationship with how well your chainsaw will work and what its longevity will be.

A chainsaw is not an easy machine to operate. You need to be sure you’ve got the right fuel and oil mixture before starting – otherwise, your chainsaw may stall or just stop working.

Types of Gas, Oil and Container

If you want to ensure the longevity of your chainsaw’s engine, then keep an eye on the type of gasoline used in it. Never use cheap gas and never try using a mixture with ethanol in it!

Types of Gas

There are two types of gas that you can use in your chainsaw, and these are regular unleaded gasoline or specially formulated fuel.

The recommended type of fuel to use in your chainsaw is the one that matches with what’s on your owner’s manual information. If you’re not sure which type of gas to use then ask someone who has experience with a chainsaw (or just don’t risk it).

See also  How to Make Use of a Chainsaw Safely

The octane rating of your fuel can dramatically affect the performance and life span of your car. A lower-octane grade could increase engine temperature, which may lead to wear on internal parts over time.

If you want your engine to last, be sure to use ethanol-free petrol with an octane rating of 89. Anything lower and the fuel could increase the temperature inside which may not only damage parts but shorten its life as well!

Types of Oil

There are different types of chainsaws and they have different requirements when it comes to the chainsaw oil you can use with it. Some need a mix of engine oil and chainsaw oil, while others can use one or the other exclusively.


Chainsaw Bar Oil Substitute


Some people think that all chainsaws require an engine mixture but this isn’t always true. A 2-stroke chainsaw may not need any extra lubrication at all as long as there is enough in the gas tank already.

2-cycle chainsaws require a special type of oil to be mixed with gasoline.

To mix it, just unscrew the gas cap and pour in 2 ounces of a premixed 2-cycle engine or saw chain lubricant made for your specific chainsaw model before filling up with regular unleaded fuel.

To maintain the best performance you can’t use motor oils designed for cars that will damage the delicate parts inside because they don’t have enough additives needed but at least now you know how easy it is when all you need are these amazing pre-mixed products.

There are also some more specific oils made specifically for certain kinds of engines that may be better suited to your needs depending on how often you plan on using your machine.

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Types of Container to Use

When it comes to mixing gasoline and oil for your chainsaw, the most important thing is doing so in an approved container.

If you have a chainsaw or gas-powered tool, the odds are that your need to fuel up on gasoline. It is important for safety reasons that you use containers approved by government agencies such as NIOSH (1) and NRCAN (2) when storing this flammable liquid in order to avoid any risk of fire hazards.



Many non-approved plastics also cannot withstand pressures caused by temperature changes which can cause them to break easily when exposed to different temperatures.


Gas/Oil Fuel Mix Chart


32:1 40:1 50:1
Litres millilitres of oil
5 150 125 100
10 300 250 200
15 475 375 300
20 625 500 400
25 775 625 500


What Ratio to Mix Chainsaw Gas

One aspect of a chainsaw that often gets overlooked is what kind of oil fuel it needs. Luckily, there is a way to mix the gas that will make it easy and hassle-free.

The correct ratio to mix chainsaw gas can either be 40:1 or 50:1 depending on your product manual.

Mixing chainsaw gas can be a tricky process for those who are inexperienced.

Step 1

The first thing you need to do when mixing your chainsaw gas is to use an approved container with an opening about as wide as the nozzle on the gas canister. You’ll want to place this container near where you’re going to be filling up your saw so that you don’t have far to go when it’s time for mixing the fuel.

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Step 2

Fill up one half of the container with gasoline until it reaches halfway, then fill up the other half with chainsaw oil until they reach the suggested amount in the owner manual and set them aside.

Step 3

Take your chainsaw, unscrew the cap for the fuel tank and pour in some fuel. Then shake the oil-fuel mixture and pour the contents into your chainsaw fuel tank.

Close the fuel tank cap and clean up any fuel that leaked during the process.

Important Safety Notes

  • How to mix gas and oil for your engine – Never let the fuel level get too low before re-fueling, but don’t overfill it either.
  • Mixing oil and gas together could result in a catastrophic explosion, so always use an approved container to refuel!
  • Always turn off your chainsaw before refilling it. This will help prevent any dangerous accidents from occurring while you’re working with the machine.
  • Mixing more than one month’s worth at any given time will only lead to deterioration and deposits that might make using this difficult later down the line.