Is Mulberry Wood Good for Anything? (2024)

Mulberry wood is a very unique type of wood that is great for heavy-duty projects, but it’s not good for everything.

The mulberry tree is a fast-growing, invasive species of tree that has been popular in the landscaping industry for years. Unfortunately, this wood is not suitable for anything other than firewood, erosion control, and furniture making.

It does not have many other real practical uses and it will only contribute to deforestation issues if you cut down a mulberry tree.

If you are looking for a good type of wood to use when building something out of trees then consider using maple, oak, or pine instead of the invasive mulberry tree.

There are other types of trees that will do the job much better.

Is mulberry good for wood turning?

Mulberry is a good choice for woodturning because it blunts blades less than many other types of wood. It is incredibly lightweight, so you can turn more pieces in the same time frame.

For these reasons and others, mulberry is an excellent choice for someone looking to buy their first chainsaw mill or get into woodturning with minimal investment.

However, mulberry is not a good choice of wood for making high-end furniture or anything that requires sanding and finishing due to its tendency to splinter and warp.

See also  Best Type of Wood for Chainsaw Carving

It can also be difficult to find pieces of mulberry wood large enough to mill with a chainsaw mill, so having an understanding of the properties discussed above will help you to get the most out of your mulberry wood.

Is mulberry wood a hardwood or softwood?

It is not uncommon for people to have questions about the wood they use in their homes. One question that often comes up is whether or not mulberry tree wood is hardwood or softwood.

While the bark of this type of tree has some hardness to it, mulberry wood is typically considered to be softwoods because they have knots and other features that make them more difficult to work with than many other types of woods.

Mulberries are technically classified as members of the genus Morus in the family Moraceae, which includes other types of trees such as figs and avocados.

The term “hard” usually refers to woods that are very dense, such as maple and oak trees. Softwoods usually do not have a high density, but they can still be used to make furniture or any other type of woodworking project.

Is Mulberry good for firewood?

Mulberry is a fast-growing tree and can be used for firewood. However, there are many types of trees that will burn for longer and will provide much more heat than mulberry wood.

This is because it has a lower density than many other types of wood, so it does not generate as much BTU energy when burned.

If you do decide to burn mulberry wood, you should still remove the bark before stacking it up. The bark can actually ignite pretty easily, so stacking without removing it could lead to your entire pile of wood going up in flames.

See also  Cherry Firewood

How long does it take mulberry wood to dry?

Mulberry wood has an average moisture content of 30%.

After being cut, mulberry wood can take about 6 months – 12 months for the wood to dry.

If you plan on making something with mulberry wood, be sure to plan ahead so that your project is not delayed due to the length of time required for the material to dry.

The length of time that the wood needs to be dried for will vary, depending on how thick the boards are and what type of kiln is being used to speed up the process.

Alternatively, you can hasten the drying time by cutting mulberry poles into 20 or 30-inch sections before stacking them up to dry.

How do you dry mulberry wood?

In general, it may be best to let your wood dry naturally. But if you have some large pieces of mulberry wood that are too thick or wide for airflow, then kiln drying might be more suitable for you.

You can tell a piece of wood has been dried by looking at its ends. It will have an orange to yellow look when freshly cut. They then turn dark orange, to reddish-brown when exposed to the sun.

You should consider air-drying mulberry wood to about 15%, then bringing it indoors to dry for another year if possible.

Is mulberry wood hard to split?

After Mulberry wood has been seasoned, it is pretty easy to split. However, the wood is not very dense so it may take more effort than other types of wood.

See also  Firewood BTU Chart: A Simple Guide to Choosing the Right Wood

Mulberry trees grow quickly and can reach heights of 100 feet. The tree bark is very tough so using a saw on the trunk will only get you so far.

When making cuts with a chainsaw, be sure to use sharp blades or else they will dull quickly from contact with the bark. Furthermore, the wood’s density makes it difficult for one person to cut through all by themselves which means that if you’re going to go give it a go having someone else around will help.

Is mulberry wood good for making furniture?

Although mulberry trees do not produce high-quality lumber, their wood is still useful in many different types of applications.

One type of application is for making furniture or other household items. The lower density and hardness of this would make it an ideal candidate for carving and the branches can be used for creating rustic-looking projects.

Mulberry can be stained and treated to look like other types of wood such as maple, walnut, or oak.

If you are looking for a type of wood to use in projects that need some kind of detail work, mulberry wood may be one option to consider.