How to know if a Chainsaw spark plug is bad

Most people who own chainsaws don’t realize that they can have a bad spark plug. It’s not something you think about until it starts to affect your performance, but when it does happen, you’re in for some frustrating days of trying to figure out what the problem is.

If your chainsaw is not running properly, it could be due to a bad spark plug. This post will give you the steps on how to identify if yours is bad and what you can do about it.

  1. Check the condition of the spark plug’s electrode by removing it from its housing with a wrench or socket set. The electrode should have an even black coating on both sides and no cracks in the porcelain insulator between them.
  2. Touch one end of the electrodes against each other – this produces sparks that jump across gaps in their surfaces which creates electricity.
  3. Hold onto one side of the electrodes while placing your thumb over the other side – this prevents the electricity from escaping and allows you to feel the spark. The electrode should produce a strong, bright blue or white color for optimal performance.

If it’s not producing any sparks at all, your chainsaw needs a new plug. If there are only a few sparks coming out of one side of the electrodes but none on the other side, it’s not bad enough for you to worry about, but it will affect your performance.

If the electrodes are worn down or damaged in any way that prevents them from making a spark, then they need replacing immediately. They cost around $20 and come with two of them packaged together as one unit.

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It is possible to adjust the electrode gap to make it smaller or larger, but this should only be done if you know what you’re doing and how to properly do it. If your chainsaw is not running right and the electrodes look fine, try replacing the spark plug first because that’s normally all it takes!

What causes bad spark plugs

Bad spark plugs in chainsaws can be a common problem, and it’s important to know what causes them so you can prevent it from happening.

When the plug is too old or worn out, the gap between the center electrode and the ground electrode becomes wider than normal. This prevents an electric current from flowing through the plug and as a result, your chainsaw won’t startup.

What causes bad spark plugs

To keep this from happening to your saws, replace them every year or two with new ones that have been matched by manufacturers for your particular model of chainsaw.

The angle of wear on a spark plug is also important; if they’re pointing at an angle then you’ll need to rotate them 180 degrees before installing them again into your saw. You don’t want them worn down to where they’re pointed too far inward or outward.

How to clean chainsaw spark plugs

Chainsaws are dangerous machines that should be handled with care. However, when it comes to maintaining the machine itself there is one very important thing that has to be done on a regular basis – spark plug cleaning.  

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It’s easy enough just to remove the dirt from around the spark plug with your fingers but over time this buildup will affect performance and efficiency which is why it needs to be cleaned more often than just once every few months.

What to use for cleaning the spark plug on a chainsaw? You’ll need a screwdriver or an Allen wrench set (depending on what type of spark plug your saw has), WD-40 oil, two paper towels or rags, and a can of compressed air.

What causes bad spark plugs

Below is a simple guide to follow when cleaning your spark plugs.

1. Put on protective clothing

2. Take the spark plug out of the chainsaw

3. Remove any dirt or debris from around the opening in the top of the plug with a brush, compressed air, or cotton swab

4. Spray WD-40 into each hole at an angle so that it goes down to clean any buildup below where you can’t see

5. Wait for about 10 minutes and then use compressed air to blow off anything leftover (you may need to repeat this step)

6. Reinsert the spark plug back into your chainsaw and operate it until you’re sure everything is working properly again.

Final Thoughts

Chainsaws can be a great tool for cutting wood and clearing brush. However, chainsaw owners should know how to properly maintain their tools in order to ensure that they will last as long as possible.

A bad or damaged spark plug can cause the saw’s engine to stall out during use, which could lead to accidents that put you at risk of injury. The good news? Replacing a chain saw’s spark plug is an easy task with basic tools you might already have around your home.

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