Can You Burn Fir Tree Wood in a Stove or Fireplace?

Deciding what kind of wood to burn in your fireplace or wood stove is an important decision for most homeowners. People need firewood that will last long, burn efficiently, and look great in their homes. There are many different kinds of wood to pick from, depending on how you want your fireplace or stove to look.

Different types of wood have different heat values, burn times, and smells. If you’re looking for wood that’s long-lasting and has a pleasant smell, you might be wondering if fir is a good option.

Do fir trees make good firewood?

Here’s what you need to know about burning Fir in your fireplace.

Fir is an excellent choice for firewood because it burns easily and produces high heat with very few sparks. Fir is commonly used in northern climates because it tends to maintain its shape and burn well when left outside for long periods of time.

Heating Value of Fir Wood

The heating value is the amount of heat that’s released when the wood is burned. This value is often used to help compare the efficiency of different types of firewood. Fir has a low heating value, which means that it will burn more slowly and release less heat than other types of wood.

Fir tree wood has a moderate heating value – it’s not the best, but it’s not the worst, either. You can expect fir wood to burn for about 2-3 hours per pound. This is a fairly long burn time, especially when compared to other woods like pine.

Fir wood is readily available in many parts of the country. In some regions, you can even find pre-cut and dried fir firewood, which is perfect if you don’t have a lot of time to spend chopping and drying wood yourself.

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Types of Fir Trees Often Used for Firewood

There are many types of fir trees that are used for firewood. The three most common types of fir trees used for this purpose are Douglas Fir, White Pine, and Balsam Fir.

Douglas fir

Douglas fir is the most popular type of Fir tree used for firewood in the United States. Douglas fir trees are relatively easy to identify by their thin needles that stick out in all directions from the twig.

Douglas fir wood has a recoverable heat value of 26.4 million Btu/cord.

Douglas fir is found naturally in the western United States, and its wood is prized for its high heat content and low smoke production. When burned, Douglas fir produces a bright flame and a pleasant scent.

Do fir trees make good firewood?

Douglas fir is also popular for use in construction, due to its strength and durability. Douglas fir is an excellent choice for those who are looking for easy-to-find, high-quality firewood.

Balsam fir

Balsam fir is another popular type of fir tree that’s often used for firewood. Balsam fir can be found naturally in the northeastern United States and southern Canada.

Balsam fir has a heating value of 14.3 million Btu/cord, but its wood is slightly denser and tends to burn more quickly than Douglas fir.

Balsam fir is known for its pleasant scent, which has led to its use in making holiday wreaths and ornaments.

White Fir

White fir is another common type of fir tree that’s often used for firewood. White fir is found naturally in the western United States and southwestern Canada.

The wood from white fir trees has a heat value of 13 million Btu/cord, making it slightly less efficient than Douglas or balsam fir. However, it still produces a lot of heat and is an excellent choice for firewood.

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White fir is also prized for its resilience, making it ideal for construction purposes. If you’re looking for a reliable and affordable type of Fir tree to use as firewood, white fir is a great option.

The Pros of Fir Tree Firewood

  • Lightweight and easy to carry
  • It burns hot and produces a lot of flames
  • Has a pleasant smell when burned
  • Creates fewer sparks than other types of wood

The Cons of Fir Tree Firewood

  • Not as dense as other types of wood
  • Can sometimes be difficult to ignite if not properly stored.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fir Trees

  • Is Fir sap messy?

Fir tree sap is not as sticky or messy as pine sap, so you may find fir sap to be easier to work with and less of a hassle.

Do fir trees make good firewood?

Fir sap tends to drip more slowly than pine sap, which can help to minimize drips and spills. Although tree sap is not inherently dangerous, you should always take proper safety precautions when working with it.

  • Can I burn fir wood indoors?

In most cases, fir wood should not be burned indoors. Fir wood typically has a higher smoke and soot content than other types of wood, which can cause buildup in your home and lead to problems if breathed in frequently.

An outdoor campfire or fireplace is a great way to enjoy fir wood. That way you can enjoy the pleasant scent and experience all of the benefits of fir wood without worrying about indoor air quality.

If you do choose to burn Fir wood indoors, be sure to take extra precautions like opening windows and making sure you have a working chimney.

  • How hard is Fir to split?

Douglas fir is an excellent wood to split because it doesn’t have any knots or defects and it’s fairly lightweight. One thing it does have though is a lot of splinters, so you’ll want to be careful when using a splitting maul or axe.

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That being said, if you’re willing to put in the work and time, then fir can make great firewood for any indoor or outdoor fire.

  • Does Fir create a lot of sparks?

Fir tree wood is known for producing fewer sparks than other types of wood when it burns, making it a good choice for indoor fireplaces or wood stoves.

Do fir trees make good firewood?

If you’re using fir for a campfire or outdoor fireplace, you may want to be careful about the placement of your logs and coals so that sparks don’t ignite nearby dry vegetation. In general, it’s best to use Fir wood in areas where there is little risk of starting a wildfire.

  • What does Fir smell like?

The Douglas fir tree has a lovely smell, but be cautious about cooking over it as the piney taste can transfer to your food.

Fir wood is often used for making wreaths and holiday ornaments because of its pleasant fragrance. For this reason, many people prefer to burn Fir in indoor fireplaces, where the scent can fill a room and create a cozy atmosphere.

Overall, there are many benefits to using fir tree wood as firewood, from its burn quality to its pleasant smell. If you’re looking for high-quality, easy-to-find firewood, then fir tree wood is a great option to consider.


So, should you use fir tree wood as firewood? It really depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you’re looking for a type of wood that burns hot and fast, fir probably isn’t the best option.

The good thing is if you don’t mind tending to the fire more frequently and you like the smell of fir trees, then it might be a good option for you. Just consider all your options carefully and choose the type of wood that works best for your needs.