5 Steps to Digging a Deep Narrow Trench

Have you ever needed to dig a deep and narrow trench? It can be tough work, especially without the right tools. But with a chainsaw, it can be a much easier task.

With the right technique and some practice, you can have your trenching project done in no time.

So let’s get right into what you need to do to dig a deep, narrow trench.

Step 1: Pick the Area

First, you’ll need to pick an area where your trench will be. Make sure that it is clear of any obstacles and debris, and try to choose a location that has hard soil. This will help make the digging easier and faster.

If you plan on laying pipes in your trench or doing any other type of work, you will also want to make sure that the trench is deep enough for your project. The average depth for a standard trench is about two feet, but this can vary depending on what kind of work you are doing.

Step 2: Mark Out The Trench

Start by laying out the dimensions of your trench using stakes and strings.

The stakes should be firmly pounded into the ground and the string should be taut between them to give you the most accurate representation of what your finished trench will look like.

You can also use a spray to mark the trench, as long as you have a good way of marking the edges. This will allow you to start digging without wasting time measuring and re-measuring all along the way.

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Step 2: Start Digging

Once you have marked out your boundaries, it’s time to start digging. If you are working in particularly hard soil, then you may want to use an auger bit first in order to create some air pockets for easy excavation later on.

You can also use a shovel for larger chunks of earth or for removing excess dirt from around the edges of your trench. Once you have created enough space with your auger bit or shovel, it is time to bring out the chainsaw.

This tool will help you cut down through the soil until you reach your desired depth much more quickly than with other tools alone.

When using the chainsaw, always make sure that you are wearing safety goggles and gloves as well as ensuring that your feet stay firmly planted while handling the chainsaw blades. 

Step 3: Cleaning Up Your Trench 

When both sides have been cut down, switch off your chainsaw and set it aside for now. Then use your shovel or spade to clear away any excess dirt from inside the trench walls until they are even with each other all around.

Once everything looks even and clean again, switch back on your chainsaw and start cutting horizontally across the bottom of your newly-dug trench until it reaches its desired depth (or reaches an obstacle like rocks).

Make sure again that any rocks or other obstacles are not being cut too deeply into – they need only be removed enough so that there is enough space below them for whatever task is intended for this new ditch (e.g., laying pipes or cables).

See also  Use a Chainsaw to Dig a Trench (Any good?) (2024)

Step 4: Finish Up The Edges

Once you have reached your desired depth with the chainsaw, it is time to clean up any loose ends around the edges of your trench with either an edging tool or a spade shovel.

You then need to make sure that all edges are even and level so that when it comes time for backfilling later on there won’t be any issues with uneven surfaces or drainage problems caused by dips and bumps in the soil around your newly dug trench. 

Step 5: Backfill and Compact

Once you have finished up all of the edges, it is time to backfill your trench. Start by pushing the dirt into the sides of the trench with a spade shovel or rake and then use a tamper or plate compactor to compact it tightly.

This will help keep water from getting in through unwanted gaps as well as reduce the risk of collapse.

Depending on what kind of project you are working on, you may want to add some additional drainage conditions around your trench before backfilling it completely. This will help keep excess water from pooling in your trench and potentially damaging whatever is being laid within it.

Final Thoughts

A deep narrow trench can be difficult work without access to proper tools but luckily with a chainsaw and some basic knowledge of how they work, anyone can easily dig this type of hole in no time at all.

Just make sure that you take all safety precautions while using a chainsaw to help avoid any accidents and injuries to yourself or the people around you.

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And don’t forget to backfill and compact your trench once you are done, so that it remains strong and stable for years to come.