Chainsaw Teeth Types

If you’re a homeowner or are looking to purchase a chainsaw to use around your yard, you may be wondering what types of chainsaw teeth there are. There are many chainsaw teeth options to choose from, so it is important for you to understand what each type does in order to make your decision on which one is best for your needs.

For centuries the best way to cut through wood was by hand. But modern technology has allowed for a more efficient and faster method of cutting, with chainsaws being one tool that’s changing things up in a big way.

To get an understanding of how many users decide on their chainsaw choices, it is important to understand some basics about the chainsaw teeth types that exist.

Chainsaw Teeth Shapes

There are two basic types of cutter teeth, “round,” and “square.” The images below show these shapes.


Chainsaw Teeth Shapes

Notice that the one on the left has a round or chipper tooth while the one on the right has a square or chisel-shaped cutting surface.

We can see some similarities between them – both have been sharpened to be at an angle so they cut through any material easily and without much effort! But look closely: both have different angles which make for subtly different cuts.


chainsaw tooth


The first type is called a Round/Chipper tooth. Chipper teeth work well on large logs but not so well with small branches and twigs. The Square tooth is the second type. It is a great tool for those who need something that can handle different types of wood types. It’s slower than the round tooth when in use, but it makes up for its lack in speed with durability and versatility.

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Which Chainsaw Teeth is the Best?

You know the saying, “you get what you pay for.” Well, it’s true. The best teeth on chainsaw chains are more expensive but they do a better job than cheaper ones because of their quality. Low-quality blades will only last your wood 20 cuts before dulling and need to be sharpened often while high-grade steel lasts up to 500 cuts and can’t even feel when you sharpen them so there is no wear on chain or blade life!

Round Chainsaw Teeth – The round cutter tooth chain often produces the best cutting edge. This is due to its larger and better-supported edges, which are also more durable than those on either square teeth chains.

Round Chainsaw Teeth


It’s easy to sharpen, stays sharp for longer and has a better edge than other types of cutter teeth because more steel is used in its construction.

Square Chainsaw Teeth: The square chain cutter teeth can cut about 15% faster and can be sharpened with a round file, making them an easy-to-maintain option for the average user.


square tooth chainsaw


Round cutter tooth chains usually require more power to cut through wood fibers than their sharp, square counterparts do. A chainsaw cutting performance is almost always improved when using a square tooth chain.

Chainsaw Chain Sequence

When it comes to the chain, you’ll want to be aware of two things: its pitch and sequence. The former is a measurement between links in the chain while the latter measures how far apart each individual cutter or tooth on that particular link are from one another.

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Three chainsaw chain sequences are usually supplied with tools nowadays:

  1. Full Skip
  2. Semi-Skip
  3. Standard


Each chainsaw chain sequence serves a different purpose. The sequence of the chain can have a huge impact on safety and cutting performance. Let’s take an in-depth look at the different types of arrangements you might encounter.

Full Skip Chain Sequence

The full skip chain has a certain efficiency that many are drawn to. With fewer teeth, the output tone of voice should be expert but due to its larger size and faster operational speed, you can cut large portions of wood in less time which is ideal when cutting firewood or limbs where smoothness isn’t important.



The downside: While it can cut fast due to its design – which includes a short tooth length and high surface contact with every turn – cuts aren’t as smooth because there’s no built-in relief between each section like on other types such as the chisel end saw chainsaw blade style for example; making them not ideal if you prefer your wood chips finely chopped up

Semi-Skip Chain Sequence

The semi-skip teeth sequence are arranged where there are one or two links between the cutters, unlike full skip chains that can’t reach wood as quickly and don’t have a perfect balance of power and efficiency with smoother cuts.



This type of sequence is often used by professionals for jobs since it offers more versatility than regular chains. It isn’t quite as powerful due to its lack of linking which makes cutting through harder wooden objects a slower process.

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It offers smoother cuts while being as powerful and efficient, making it perfect for those who need this type of cut without having to sacrifice quality.

Standard Chain Sequence

The Standard chainsaw chain sequence features have the most teeth allowing for extremely smooth woodcuts. A standard chain is also described as a full skip chain on a larger bar.



Standard chainsaw cutters are designed to handle large logs and trees that require this type of chainsaw equipment.