Is Black Ash Tree Good Firewood?

The black ash tree is a popular type of firewood because it burns hot and produces little smoke. It’s also a relatively easy type of wood to find. But is it the best type of wood for your needs? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at black ash trees and their potential as firewood.

Black ash is a type of hardwood tree that’s native to North America. The tree gets its name from the dark color of its bark. Black ash trees can grow to be quite large, with some reaching heights of over 100 feet.

The wood from black ash trees is dense and heavy, making it a good choice for firewood. Black ash firewood burns hot and slow, making it ideal for use in wood-burning stoves and outdoor fire pits. It’s also a good type of wood for smoking meat and fish since it produces a more subtle smoky flavor than other types of firewood.

If you’re looking for firewood, the black ash tree is definitely worth considering. However, there are some things to keep in mind when using black ash as firewood.

Pros of Black Ash Tree Firewood

As we mentioned, the black ash tree is popular because it burns hot and produces little smoke. This makes it ideal for use in fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. The black ash tree is also relatively easy to split and store, which makes it a good choice for those who need to stock up on firewood.

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Another advantage of the black ash tree is that it’s relatively easy to split. If you’re looking for firewood that’s easy to split, a black ash tree might be a good option.

Cons of Black Ash Tree Firewood

While black ash tree has some clear advantages as firewood, there are also some disadvantages to consider. For one thing, black ash tree doesn’t have a very long burn time. So if you’re looking for a type of wood that will keep your fire going all night long, a black ash tree may not be the best choice. The black ash tree is also known to be lightweight wood, so it doesn’t pack as much of a punch in terms of heat output as some other types of firewood.

Black ash firewood often tends to be more expensive than other types of firewood. This is because black ash trees are not as common as other types of trees, such as oak and maple.

Is black ash hardwood or softwood?

For anyone who doesn’t already know, wood can generally be divided into two categories: hardwoods and softwoods. Hardwoods come from deciduous trees (trees that lose their leaves in the fall), while softwoods come from evergreen trees (trees with needles that stay green year-round). But what about black ash?

Black Ash lumber is often considered to be a hardwood because black ash is a deciduous tree. This would normally put it in the category of hardwood. However, black ash trees are mostly found in swampy areas, which means that they have to adapt to growing in lower oxygen levels.

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As a result, the wood of black ash trees is actually softer than most other hardwoods.

Ash trees are native to North America, Asia, and Europe. In North America, they are found mostly in the eastern half of the continent, from the Great Lakes in Canada to Florida and as far west as Texas. While most of these trees are black ash, other varieties include white ash and green ash.

If you’re looking for a wide variety of high-quality firewood, a black ash tree is definitely worth considering.


The black ash tree is a popular type of firewood because it has some clear advantages, such as burning hot and producing little smoke. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as the burn time and lightweight.

Ultimately, the best type of firewood for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences.